Applications for this year’s program are closing soon!

If you purchased lead-free ammo and hunted during the 2024 hunting season, please submit the rebate form by April 1.
Rebate forms submitted after April 1 will be held for qualification for the 2025 hunting season.

The Challenge

Bald and golden eagles face many risks including collision with wind turbines, electrocution, vehicle collision and lead poisoning. Minimizing the number of eagle deaths caused by any one source is essential to maintain eagle populations in New York.

The Opportunity

Hunters have an opportunity to participate in eagle management and assist with wildlife research. For this effort, we are asking qualified hunters in New York to help us test the effectiveness of lead-free ammunition to improve the health of bald and golden eagles. To do this, we are issuing rebates for 1 box of factory loaded non-lead ammunition or 1 box of lead-free bullets for reloading (up to $60) to eligible hunters after completion of the post-hunt survey.

The post-hunt survey will be sent mid-to-late January.

For more questions about the New York program, please contact with the subject lead-free ammo study.

Hunters for Eagle Conservation is a program of Conservation Science Global, Inc., a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, founded in 2016 to advance conservation and management of our natural resources through science and education.